Kick-Start Combo
Keto Made Easy!
Easily resist sugar cravings, prevent stress eating, and turn fat into energy.
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Real results from thousands of Juniper Life customers
Tastes great and actually works!
Amazing product! It tastes a little like Binaca Spray. Ya know, the spray for good breath? At 1st use, I ate something sweet directly after and it had no taste, which told my brain, 'stop eating this, it's not enjoyable'. I've used this knowing I'd be hitting my afternoon sweettooth and it really works. Not only does it make food tasteless, it actually stops the craving. I've even noticed the burst of energy in the late afternoon after having used it. THAT is great!I've let my daughter use it at school and even she notices the craving for sweets goes away. She's used it toward the end of her school day and doesn't come home wanting to eat every thing in sight.This is convenient to keep in your purse or backpack. It's small enough you could buy several to keep in places you may find yourself needing to curb the sweettooth. I am going to get me one to keep in my car.
-Reviewed Empower
I've lost 70 lbs!
Breads, donuts, cookies etc have always been my weight-causing nemesis. I used Juniper Life spray whenever I would reach for my craves. I also boosted my energy with some caffeine ( I don't drink coffee so took some tablets.) and I lost 70 pounds! My doctor actually told me to stop losing, though at 61 I weigh 160 lbs and am 5'4". I recommend this spray with my whole heart! I find myself falling back into old habits and am ordering another bottle, to use for maintenance. Thank you Juniper Life!!
-Reviewed Empower
Amanda Sperow
This stuff is amazing! I've been keto for 3 weeks and this product has made that possible. Usually by day 4 on keto, I have such intense cravings that I give up. With Ignite, I was able to get through it and I did'nt even need to use my Empower spray. The only bad thing is it took awhile to get in the mail. But with free shipping, you cant really complain about that much.
-Reviewed Keto-kick-start-combo
E Man
One word (AMAZING)
I’ve been struggling with late night sugar cravings this product has put it into that! I would 100% recommend this to anybody suffering with sugar cravings.
-Reviewed Empower
Love this stuff—It actually works!
My sugar cravings are terrible, and I always feel awful after eating too much of the sweet stuff, so I ordered some of this after reading about the effects of gymnema sylvestre. I was really amazed and delightfully surprised by how well this spray worked (and so were my skeptical friends). Now I keep it in my bag so I have it handy when there’s candy and cookies and donuts magically popping-up everywhere, like they so often do, especially at my office...
The bottle is a convenient size (small enough to pocket or keep in a purse, but still holds 60 sprays worth), and the taste—while, yes, quite bitter—is tolerable for how well it works, especially with the little hint of peppermint. The effects are also instant and don’t change the taste of anything except sweets. The label says it lasts several hours, which I think is an overstatement, but the upshot is that you usually only need a few minutes to squash a craving.
-Reviewed Empower
Several ingredients. Easy to swallow.
Lots of good supportive supplements in one. Capsule is easy to swallow. No taste issues. This product contains "Transfer Factors, Olive Leaf Extract, Curcumin, Zinc, Vitamin D, and many other all-natural ingredients."
-Reviewed Fortify
My Favorite Supplement
I love the Juniper Life products. I have been on and off this product for the past 2 years, mainly because I suck at taking supplements when I am not eating healthy. I have never found a product that I miss as much, when I fall off the bandwagon, as I do with this product. Whether it’s the energy boost, the focus and clarity it gives me, or just the overall health benefits. I truly love this product! My goal for 2019 is to stay on this product whether I fall off the healthy bandwagon or not and see how it helps. I would recommend this product to anybody and everybody. Here’s to a healthy 2019!
-Reviewed Ignite

Sugar Killer Combo
Stops sugar cravings with Empower, and softens appetite with ignite.
Say Goodbye to Sugar Cravings
Carb Killer
Ignite helps your body use fat and excess carbs as energy and suppresses carb cravings, Optimize improves metabolic efficiency.
Say Goodbye to Carb Cravings
Immune Booster
Fortify supports your immune systems with transfer factor, herbs, and varied vitamins and minerals. Ignite gives your body plenty of energy to focus on clearing sickness.

Juniper Life is confident in it’s products and stands behind their quality and efficacy. We do realize that no product will work for everyone, so we offer a Satisfaction Guarantee: If you are unhappy with the products for any reason, simply return the product to the place of purchase within 30 days.