Immune Boosters have been used over the centuries to help stave off and shorten the severity or duration of various illnesses and ailments.
However, many of these strengthen or "boost" the immune system by stimulating the production of inflammatory cytokines" - particularly TNF-alpha. *7
In an otherwise healthy person, this is not an issue because the additional inflammation results in a stronger immune response that will kill off the invading pathogen at a much faster rate.
However, it can cause significant issues in cases where inflammation is already a problem - for the extra inflammation will increase the risk of damage to healthy tissue. Studies show that TNF cytokines exert damaging effects in patients with auto-immune diseases or sepsis*8.
This makes some immune boosters unsafe for use in those with auto-immune issues or who are suffering from an inflammatory illness, such as the latest viral outbreak.
This latest virus's most damaging attribute is due to its ability to overstimulate the immune system.
When asked why some patients recover and why some patients take a turn for the worst, Stanley Perlman, a virologist and pediatric disease specialist at the University of Iowa, states "The virus matters, but the host response matters at least as much, and probably more."
Once the infection reaches the lungs, the virus could trigger an uncontrolled immune response - causing the immune system to release a cytokine storm that floods the lungs with immune cells.
"That's when you end up with a lot of these really severe inflammatory diseases like pneumonia, shortness of breath, inflammation of the airway, and so forth." says Angela Rasmussen, a virologist at Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health.
This widespread inflammation of the lungs could cause the pneumonia to worsen as the blood vessels weaken, allowing fluid to seep into the air sacs of the lungs.
Since Elderberry and certain Immune Boosters can significantly stimulate cytokine production - it could potentially contribute to and even worsen the condition.
Because the symptoms of this latest virus are so similar to the cold and flu, it may be difficult to tell which virus you are dealing with. For this reason, it may be best to find alternative methods for immune support during the cold and flu season.
12 Proven Immune Boosting Ingredients
The immune response often benefits from nutrients that can be found in everyday foods like fruits, vegetables, mushrooms, meat, and grains. This is why it is so important to have a balanced diet! We've studied these nutrients extensively, as have so have many other people, and have highlighted our favorite ingredients, which are:
Essential Immune Boosting Minerals:
We know the immune response requires very specific resources and it has been shown that these minerals are very important to health and immune function:
Selenium: There are large areas in China that have selenium deficiency in the soils. It was shown that the immune system in hosts that are selenium deficient may not be as effective as those who aren't.
Vitamin D: Another example was found in Thailand, where a group of severely ill population was analyzed and the majority were deficient in Vitamin-D.
Zinc: Over 300 different enzymes in the body require Zinc to function normally. Zinc is a key player in supporting the Immune system's normal function.
Manganese - As crucial to our health as iron or potassium, this lesser-known mineral has been shown to enhance natural killer cell and macrophage activity. In addition to helping keep bones and joints strong - it can support healthy, clear skin.
Chromium - Popular for its ability to help maintain a healthy response to sugar spikes, recent research has shown that chromium can enhance the ability of white blood cells.
Quick Immune Response
Anything that can help improve the immune system’s response and recognition rate can play a huge part in improving the immune response:
Transfer Factor, sometimes called the Sialysable Leukocyte Extract (DLE), is an ancient part of the immune system and has been used in many cases to boost the immune system. In fact, it is considered so effective that it is often the first thing added to an immune boosting regimen. Transfer Factor works in a way that is similar to a mother passing her immune system's intelligence to her child, transferring antigen-specific cel-mediated immunity (CMI) to T Lymphocytes. It helps immune cells identify problems more quickly and speeds the immune system’s response
The Right Reaction to Prevent an Overreaction
An immune response that can cause problems for the host is when the immune system overreacts. For this reason, it is important to seek out immune-modulating ingredients that help regulate the immune system and make it more efficient and responsive, but not overactive.
Beta-glucans, such as those found in Baker’s Yeast and Reishi Mushroom are a perfect example of this. In studies, beta-glucans have been shown to be an extremely important part of the immune process that ensures the immune system is in control and isn't influenced by outside factors to overproduce cytokins causing a cytokin storm.
Manganese also enables the release of a group of signaling proteins that help disrupt foreign cells' ability to replicate. It is also a powerful antioxidant.
Selenium is also particularly effective in ensuring the immune system doesn’t overreact.
Cordyceps Sinensis Mycelia has an impressive ability to improve Natural Killer Cell Activity, even in patients with altered immune function. It is also widely known for its usefulness in improving oxygenation in times of stress.
Antioxidants, Anti-inflammatories that Help Protect the Body:
It is important to make sure your body has an ample supply of antioxidants to help protect healthy tissue, especially in the respiratory tract.
Selenium encourages production of one of our body’s own natural antioxidant defense, glutathione.
Curcumin also encourages glutathione and is a potent antioxidant.
Rhodiola Rosea is an adaptogen with anti-inflammatory properties.
Olive leaf extract is another antioxidant with anti-viral properties that helps dull or block any attack, giving the body time to mount an effective defense.
When combined, these form an Amazingly Effective Formula
We were so impressed with the effectiveness of the ingredients above, we put them together into an immune support formula and named it FORTIFY: Protective Recovery. FORTIFYwas designed specifically to boost immune system and the immune response. Since the ingredients are all natural, it's safe and provides essential nutrients your body needs regardless of how strong your immune system is. It's no wonder our Fortify product has increased 2,100% in sales this year!
JuniperLife FORTIFY Fast Acting Immune Support ~ 12 Month Guarantee!
Fortify contains all the effective immune boosting ingredients shown above to support a healthy immune system. We're so confident in the effectiveness of FORTIFY we're willing to extend our 30 day guarantee to an unprecedented 12 Months! This means if you consistently take the product every day and at any time are unsatisfied with the results, we'll refund allyour FORTIFY purchases made in the last 12 months!
IMPORTANT: We want nothing more than everyone to be healthy and safe. All of these ingredients above are available on the internet for purchase individually elsewhere and will make identical claims to what's listed above. While these ingredients have been proven effective, every situation is different it is untested and unknown to what degree they will specifically help against every virus. Additionally, these ingredients and this product are not meant as an alternative to medical care. If you think you may be sick you should immediately see a medical professional.