In order for your immune system to adequately protect you from illness, it must be able to recognize threats, respond to threats, and remember past threats. Once the immune system has recognized and defeated an invader, it has the ability to store the identity of the invader by creating a memory cell – which will allow the immune system to immediately recognize and quickly defeat any repeat offenders before they are able to make us sick. This is what we know as “immunity”. Immunity means we have protection – usually obtained either as a result of becoming sick or by receiving a vaccination. Another method for receiving immunity is through Transfer Factors.
Found in colustrum and eggs, they are responsible for passing immunity from the mother to the infant. Transfer Factors are molecules that are filled with memory cells complete with all the information our immune system needs to instantly recognize and defeat the numerous viral and bacterial threats that we encounter on a daily basis. The discovery of transfer factors has proven to be invaluable in bolstering the immune system of immuno-compromised patients – protecting them from illnesses that would normally render them extremely ill. They can also be used safely and with favorable results by those with Auto-Immune diseases - who are often treated with Immune-supressing drugs, rendering them more susceptible to illness.
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